Book review – Good Vibes, Good Life by Vex King is a book about self-love and achieving your full potential.
Good evening everyone, let’s start with a quick introduction to the book. I was expecting more of something like the secret but Vex has surprised me with his writing. He talks about unlocking your fullest potential and have used a realistic approach while talking about the law of attraction, manifestation, and a lot more.
The book comes with many examples and is divided into different chapters to help those who like to mark things down.
This year, my goal is to review 10 books based on LOA, spirituality, and a lot more. The reason for choosing this book for review was the title and the placement of the title. Yes, I judged a book by its cover!
This book is useful for anyone who is procrastinating while ignoring piles of tasks, a lot of people can use this book along with therapy by a mental health practitioner to gain confidence and work on themselves. Good Vibes, Good Life is a refreshing take on Law Of Attraction without making it sound like magic.
I am not a fan of LOA but I found the book useful and can teach many of us to think positively and have an overall positive outlook on life.
Thank you Vex for writing this book!
My Rating 3.5 stars out of 5. Must read of LOA people.